Preschool Contact

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Our Preschool Facility

Amy Lee

Preschool Director


I grew up in a very small town and my graduating class consisted of seven graduates. Karval is located 80 miles east of Colorado Springs and is a farming community. I attended Otero Junior College after high school and received my degree in Early Childhood Education, graduating with honors.

Melanie Bell

Melanie Bell

Preschool Assistant

I was born in Marinette, WI and spent my summer boating and swimming in the many lakes around WI. I grew up in a family strong in faith who were members of Trinity Lutheran Church and I attended Trinity Lutheran School through eighth grade. I became a confirmed member after 8th grade. I attended Marinette High School, where I played the clarinet in the music programs and high school tennis.


2820 Peyton Dr, Montrose, CO 81401

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